Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Day After Christmas

Finally The Day After Christmas is when Ryan feels he can sit on his new rocking horse.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Santa has comeScrappy gets a present from Santa too

Ryan gets a rocking horse that talks
He likes it


Dad and Mama give him some Alphabet books
Scrappy helps open some blocks
Dad shows Ryan how to play the guitar

What a wonderful Christmas mess.
It was fun that's all the counts

Strong Man Competition

Here is Ryan Martin trying to lift this 5 gallon water container

Can he do it?His move is to sit and try it...And it works for him

He is the strongest toddler in the world

Dec. 20th SNOW

Ryan got to use his new snow gear.WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG FOR YOU TO DRESS ME TO GO OUTSIDE?



Climbing Mad

Ryan at 16 months likes to climb now...I'm in BIG trouble!

Dec. 19th Snow Storm Opening Early Christmas Gifts

Dec. 19 2008 Friday Snow Storm
Ryan got to open a couple of Christmas presents earlyHe got a new snow suit
new snow boots

Ryan's testing them out
and is ready for the snow

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We Believe in Santa

Christmas Parties

All ready to go to our friend Corey's Christmas partyThe Mason's Christmas party
Waiting for Santa and snacking on some cookies

Great Grandma (Sittoo),Great Aunt Lori, Ryan, Mama, Grampy and Grammy
Ryan getting gift from Santa

Dancing to some Christmas music

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wrapping Ryan

Ryan wanted to get his parents something for Christmas

So, he wrapped himself

Monday, December 8, 2008

Putting up the Christmas tree

Ryan helps putting the ornaments on the Christmas tree He also helps taking the ornaments off the Christmas tree

"Is this a ball?"

The final product

Ryan didn't like how I arranged the Nativity scene so he had to fix it.