Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ryan's second ThanksgivingThankful for Mommy and Daddy

For Ryan's second Thanksgiving he didn't eat much because he has two molars coming in. He did share what he had with Scrappy.

Ready for the winter weather
Ryan first time finger painting and eating it. He didn't like the taste.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

15 months old 11/17/08

Ryan getting sleepy
When he is tired, he puts his thumb in his mouth goes upstairs and grabs his blue blanket and wants to be put into bed

Ryan exactly 15 months old

What he likes..playing, dancing, listening to music, helping around the house and coloring

Some words he says...Dad, Ma, Scraps, dog, duck, dark, done, don't touch, down etc..

Favorite TV shows...Mickey Mouse and Baby Einstein

Still takes two naps a day and sleeps through the night

Chrildren's Museum

Ryan at the Children's Museum in N. Easton Ryan playing in the doctors office

Ryan pretending to wear glasses

Ryan and Griffin cooking up something in the kitchen

Checking out the fire engine

Friday, November 21, 2008

If you happy and you know it shot Haray!
Turkey Time

Hanging out with Gobble Gobble getting ready for Thanksgiving

Monday, November 17, 2008


I know the picture is a little blurry, I took it with my cell phone.
My little Linus

Friday, November 14, 2008

Go Pats!

Ryan's ready for so football.
Go Pats!

What does my mother have me dressed in today?

Monday, November 10, 2008

It was a Happy Halloween

Sorry for the delay internet was down

Scrappy dressed up as a baby barking at trick or treaters

Mama and Ryan trick or treating

Ryan waiting for kids to come for trick or treating

Ryan dressed up as a dog