Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Laugh Laugh Laugh

Ryan loves to be tickled.

Play Dough

This past weekend we were busy. On Saturday, it was a nice day out, so, we went to the park. I forgot my camera. But on Sunday, it was raining. We went to the mall and got Ryan some new sneakers. His old ones are too small. When we came home we played with Play Dough. Ryan had to have all ten containers opened at once. We made bushes, snakes, balls, Big Bird, bats and a pig. We think Play Dough is more fun than Clay because of the many colors.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hard At Work

Ryan is hard at work. He plays a game on the Sesame Street web site. The game has Big Bird telling him shapes and their colors when he presses the keys on the keyboard. He loves it!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


At 19 months Ryan can count to ten (with some help). Of course right after I took these he did it by himself without any help from me and the camera wasn't on. That figures.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Visiting a friend

Thursday morning Ryan and I went for coffee and donuts to Amy and Selene's house. Ryan and Selene played and watched TV. While the adults chat. Ryan didn't have any coffee or donuts, just some milk, a gogurt (yogurt in a tube) and my coffee cake. I enjoyed the coffee and donuts, Thank you Amy and Selene. Hope to do it again soon.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Is it Spring Yet?

Spring may not start until next week. But Ryan couldn't wait to start mowing (the drive way?). We also, didn't have anymore snow or rain paddles so, Dad made some for Ryan to play in. He loves to Splash, Splash, Splash. Then we dried off and got some ice cream. Ryan really likes strawberry ice cream sugar cones. Mow, mow
"Splash, Splash, Splash"

this is fun




Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Ryan and Scrappy wishing everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Children's Museum in Easton, MA

We decide to revisit the Children's Museum in Easton, MA with Dad this time. Once again Ryan enjoyed himself. "What's good to eat here?"
Hiding in the fire house

At the doctors office

Rolling balls with Dad

Dress up

Wednesday, March 4, 2009