Sunday, April 25, 2010

Planting a Pine Tree

Since it is Earth week and Jeff had it off. We wanted to plant something. We had a throne bush, Scrappy and I have always hated, because we always got stuck on it. Well, Ryan and Jeff dug that out this week. Then we went to Lowes hardware store on Friday morning and picked out a little pine tree. There were water fountains there too, Ryan HAD to touch every single water fountain. So, I told him if he is going to touch them, he may only put one finger in each, which he did. When we got home from playgroup on Friday that is when the planting started. Ryan and Jeff both dug in the dirt then came the BEST part the WATER! We had to water the pine tree and the grass and our neighbors and Dad and Mama and himself of coarse. As Ryan describes it "I was watering the pine tree and sprayed the hose down in the mud and the mud JUMPED up in my face". When he tells the story he is super smiley and hits himself in the face when he says "the mud jumped up and hit me in the face" These are the pictures of Ryan in the mud. Jeff tells me this is just the beginning, and he used to ALWAYS come home looking like this.
The pine tree they planted is the one in the back of Ryan to the right

Muddy Ryan!

Rebuilding the Porch

Jeff took April vacation off from work. So, while I worked Ryan and Dad rebuilt the porch (which has needed to be redone for a long time). I did have to bring Ryan and Scrappy to my parents house one day because there was saws, ladders, and other sharp tools out. But after, Ryan got to help out. He even got his Handy Manny hammer out "Pat" to hammer nails (which were already nailed in but he had fun).
Here is Ryan and Dad working hard. Okay this piece needs to go on.
Right here is perfect.

Now, hammer here and there

These nails need more hammering

bang bang

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rainy Day Fun

A couple of weeks ago we had tons of rain and flooding (not at our house but the roads). Ryan got to test out his whole rain gear. Mickey rain coat and boots. He Loved it!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter Weekend

The pictures are backwards sorry.
This is our Easter weekend.

First pictures are from Easter morning at our house. The Easter Bunny was good to Ryan
The second pictures are from the Easter Egg Hunt we went to on Saturday before Easter at a Petting Farm.
The third pictures are from Saturday morning. We colored Easter eggs. Well, Ryan colored, I prepared the eggs and dye.
Lastly, an Easter party at Mommy and Me.
On Easter morning, Ryan got an Easter basket full of fun things. He got a pick up truck named Tucker.
And a chocolate bunny named Sunny and a fishing kit. Ryan talks about going fishing with Dad. So, we figured we start him off with some fake fish.

This also Easter morning. The Easter Bunny left a Easter egg hunt outside. The only time Ryan will be able to go outside in his pajamas.

Ryan keep saying "a got an egg". The Easter bunny filled the eggs with jelly beans and little plastic toys (since the bunny knew Ryan already had other candy).

This is Saturday afternoon. We went to the Petting Farm were they had face painting and Easter egg hunt.
Here is Ryan getting his face painted like a bunny rabbit. The girl said he did a good job sitting still.

Off to find Easter Eggs.
Got his new shirt on he got from Grams (Thank Goodness, It was hot that day and Ryan had grown out of his short sleeve shirts from last year) and his Easter Baseball basket he got from Grandpop last year (good thing he got the basket, he would have had to use a paper bag, that isn't Easter like).

"I got an egg"
Ryan found about four eggs. They had chocolate bunnies in them.

I'm not sure if Ryan had more fun at the Petting Farm part or the Easter Egg Hunt. Here is Dad and Ryan petting a goat.

Gentility petting more goats. They do have other animals at the petting farm but Ryan liked petting the goats best. They were like Scrappy and just hung around you.

When we were done with the petting farm and the Easter egg hunt. We got in the car and told Ryan "you may have ONE piece of chocolate candy bunny, that you got from the Easter egg hunt, just ONE" Well, One turned into Three.
Here is my little bunny rabbit with chocolate bunny face.
This is Saturday morning.
Coloring Easter Eggs. Ryan says " I did them myself" He did do the coloring. One for egg for each color except for blue (which is his favorite color) two eggs for the blue dye.

Lastly, Friday we had a Easter party at our mommy and me playgroup.
Here I am with Ryan the bunny.
It was a busy weekend. But as always with Ryan FUN!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny Made Me
Do It

The Easter Beagle