Monday, June 14, 2010

Tattoo like Dad's

Ryan got a temporary tattoo with his Red Sox Nation kit of Wally the green monster. He had to put it on his arm like Dad's.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Feeding the Ducks


This is Ryan feeding the ducks and geese at DW Field Park in Brockton. We went with our friends Cheryl, Gabby and my mother (who was taking the video). As you can tell from the video, I get a little nervous around the geese.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Need a Vacation

Ryan's shirt says "I Need A Vacation". I'm not sure if he does, but I do. I do work this summer but we are taking a family (including Scrappy)vacation down the cape for a week in July. It should be fun.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

Memorial Day, we were at home. It was hot, so Ryan was in his pool. The first time for the pool this season. Then we went to the Memorial Day parade in our town. Ryan enjoyed it. His favorite part of the parade was when the Veteran's firing their guns. They made a big BANG noise and the guns were smoking. He jumped and grabbed onto me a little scared but was excited at the time. filling the pool. this guys LOVES the water.
And loves the water hose.

Scrappy sitting in the shade.

Ryan at the parade. Showing off his red, white and blue.

He had to have. That is his new saying " I have to Have it". I bubble gum favor snow cone.