Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Apple Picking

We went apple picking with my parents at the same place we went last year. I like this place because the apple are close to the ground that way Ryan can pick them himself. Which sometime he wants to do everything himself then others he doesn't. It was funny because last year he was scared of the Halloween decorations in the little store there. This year he loved them. I think he gets a little scared but won't admit it. He wanted to stay at the store instead of picking apples. Ryan almost camouflages in the leaves of the apple tree picking a shiny red apple. He has a couple pairs of camouflages pants when he wear them he lies down on the floor and pretends you can't see him because he is blending in. What a silly guy!

" Here the apple I got!"

He didn't want to leaves on the apple.

Eating an apple and asking Grampy to get a apple way at the top.

Yummy, time to make pie!

Fire Staton

My uncle Dan is a Lieutenant at the Brockton Fire Department. I brought Ryan over to see him last week. Ryan loved pretending to be a firefighter. He got to ring the siren a few times (very loud up close), sit in the drivers seat, spray water (only a little bit), and a tour of the station.
Ryan driving

Spraying the water hose.

Ryan and Uncle Dan


Ryan got to meet Elmo again (first time was at Sesame Place last year). He was at our public library. Ryan enjoyed giving him five but didn't want to sit on his lap. Ryan was very patience while waiting for his turn.

Gray Squirrel

Ryan singing Gray Squirrel.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Scary Face

This is Ryan's scary face. Not very scary but very cute.


Ryan saw these bricks on a TV show (Peep and the Big Wide World, a TBS show). The kids were playing with them and building houses on a rainy day. This is Ryan's House of Bricks and he wanted to sleep in it on the living room floor.

Safety First

Ryan said once he got his scooter for his birthday that he needed knee pads and elbow pads. He puts the whole getup on even gloves then drives his scooter once then says I'm done.