Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

We carved our pumpkin we got from pumpkin picking this past weekend. Ryan had fun! He liked scooping out the insides. We baked pumpkin seeds some with salt and some with sugar. Ryan did try them, but did like them. Ryan always try new things.


Ryan figured while Jeff was at work, he would start raking leaves. And jump in them.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Ryan wearing a pumpkin hat he made at playgroup.
I took this with my phone. The quality isn't so good. But since Ryan is on a waiting list for preschool. I stared him in another playgroup on Monday mornings for about an hour and an half. He is the oldest there but at least he is around other kids. That is the reason for sending him to preschool in the first place socialization.

Pumpkin Picking

Jeff's mom came up to visit us the weekend of the 15th of Oct. We had a great time. We picked her up from the airport on Friday. Ryan was excited about the airport and picking up Grams. On Saturday we went pumpkin picking. We went to the same place we had been to last year. Ryan enjoys it there and they have a lot to see and do. Ryan was in charge, he said we would get smoothies first (even though it was chilly outside, he still wanted a smoothie). Mom and I got hot apple cider instead of a smoothie. Then we had to go to the playground before we could go on the hay ride to pumpkin picking. Ryan got cold drinking the smoothie on the hayride and wore his Dad's hat.
When we got to the pumpkin patch, Ryan wanted a green pumpkin like he chose last year. Then he changed his mind and decided on a small orange one.
After the pumpkin patch we went to visit the 4-H animals. They have goats, sheep, chickens, ducks and rabbits. We had to feed them. We played in the giant sandbox after that then went home. Later, Ryan colored his small pumpkin with marker. We did get a big pumpkin to carve and Mom got a gourd.
Ryan at the playground on the huge slide.
rocking house.

On the hayride with Dad and his berry smoothie.

Ryan and Grams on the hayride.

Mama and Ryan on the hayride.

Ryan with his Dad's hat on.

At the pumpkin patch. Ryan's first chose. A green pumpkin.

Sitting on pumpkins and relaxing.

Grams, Ryan and Dad looking for the perfect pumpkin.

Ryan's little pumpkin.

The hayride back.

Checking out the goats.

Feeding the sheep.
Coloring his pumpkin with marker. He was wearing his Halloween shirt that had Snoopy and Woodstock on it, it says BOO!
Ryan's pumpkin.

Super Ry

There is a TV show on PBS called "Super Why" The cartoon boy on the show is Wyatt and he is called Super Wy. So, Ryan is Super Ry. He laughs when we call him that.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Children's Museum

A few weeks ago we went to the Children's Museum in Easton, MA with our friends Laura, Griffin and Felix. Ryan has wanted to go to the Museum because since he is on a waiting list for per-school, I signed him up for another playgroup that meets at the Museum on Monday mornings. When we go to playgroup we are limited to two rooms. Ryan always wants to play in all the rooms. So, we came back on a day when we can play in all of the rooms. Ryan and Griffin playing with magnates.
Playing with a dragon (which Ryan really likes these days, dragons) in the castle room

Ryan the puppet in the theatre.

The Dinosaur room, Ryan the Paleontologist. A researcher of dinosaurs.

Playing dinosaurs, which Ryan, Griffin and Felix like to do. They roar at each other all the time.

Ryan likes dressing up as different people and animals. Ryan the mail carrier.

Ryan as a dragon in the red.

Ryan the dragon.

Ryan gets creative a lot these days. He is wearing a safari hat and a blue Toto.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Since Halloween is coming, we watched Backyardagian's Halloween. One of the characters was dressed up like a werewolf. Ryan has been running around today pretending to be a werewolf. I thought it was cute, so I recorded it.


Ryan can spell...He can spell his name(he has known that for a while), dog and go. I think he was nervous taping this.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I is going to be a SHARK for Halloween this year. He says "I'm going to be a good shark, like on Finding Nemo."-
Nice Fin