Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! Ryan wearing his Heart Braker shirt.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Camping Inside

This is Ryan's bear tent he got for Christmas from Santa. This was on a day it seemed like a good idea to go camping, inside. So, he said he was going to nap inside his tent (which he didn't). He doesn't take a nap everyday anymore. But will go to bed early if he doesn't have a nap.

Just Like Dad

Ryan and Jeff were both wearing plaid shirts. I thought it was cute. They didn't plan it.

Another Play Date

Last week we went to Cheryl and Gabby's house to visit. Here is Ryan and Gabby playing. Ryan plays nice with Gabby even thou she is 18 months younger then him. They both were not sharing the whole time but for the most part were good together.


The first time he did this, he was more excited. This is how Ryan feels about school. I will save this for when he is in high school and show him.

Play Date

We had a play date a couple of weeks ago at our friend Laura, Griffin and Flex's house. Even thou Ryan goes to school and has new friends, Griffin is still his best friend. They are playing dinosaurs. One of their favorite pass times. At the end of the play date, they started getting tried, so they rested and watched a little TV. They played nice together for the most part.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cutting Out

Ryan cut this out at school all by himself. I'm so proud of him. He cuts as well as some of my Kindergarten kids. It is a fire truck.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ryan in the Snow

Here is Ryan in the snow. Sliding with Jeff pulling him and Scrappy trying to take Ryan's mittens. I took this during the weekend.