Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

Yesterday was Father's Day. We went to Dave and Buster's. It is a restaurant and video arcade. We had a nice lunch then plays video games for a while. We had a fun day.


Ryan has a new pet. It is a snail, named Snaily or Gary or Slimy. We found him in my parents yard on Friday and he is still alive. Hopefully he will be alive for a little bit. We told Ryan he might die. But in the box there is grass, dirt, water and spiderman for Snaily to use as a jungle gym(where does he come up with these things, I don't know).
Unfortunately, Scrappy stepped on Snaily last night and we had to bury him. Ryan was so sad at the time. But now he is okay.

School Shirt

Ryan proudly wears his school shirt. Active Learners in Norton, MA

Another video from last day

If you click on this link it will show you another video from the last the day of school.

Videos of The Last Day of School

Last Day of School

Ryan's last day of school for the school year was June 10, 2011. He went to school, then at night they had a night of the year ice cream party. All day long Ryan kept saying "I want to go to the ice cream party". This is what he wore on the last day of school of his first year of preschool.
This is after school. King Ryan (I'm the Queen he said, Dad is a Knight and Scrappy is a prince). He is purposely making a Silly face.

Dad and Ryan waiting for the activities to start at the night party.

Running Ryan.

Ryan got a little nervous singing in front of all the parents.

Ryan and his certificate finishing his first year of preschool.

Finally, he got his ice cream. Vanilla flavor

Sorry, this a little out of order.

This is when he got his certificate from the Director/Teacher Mrs. Pond. Everyone around us thought it was so cute how he said "cheese" with such a big smile.

This is Ryan being a Mouse for their song.

Sea Monsters

Yes he has a lot of bath toys. This is Ryan being a Sea Monster. I likes monsters these days. And aliens, super hero's and Scooby Doo. He still likes the old things too but mostly likes to pretend monsters etc.

New Bed

Ryan got a new bed. A twin size bed. He helped Dad take apart his toddler bed and help set up his new bed. I taught him how to make his bed, but he doesn't do it. He has Disney's Cars sheets. The first night he sleep in his new bed he was a little nervous, so Jeff slept on the fall next to him until Ryan was a sleep. Unscrewing his toddler bed.
Testing out his new bed.

How high can I jump?

Bed made.

Very Happy Little Guy! Of course he has his blanket.

Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, Jeff had to work (but at least it was from home) Ryan and I went to the parade. It was also a hot day so we took out the springer. Ryan wanted us to get the same shirts.
Ryan in front of the fountain in Taunton center. Eating a Dora ice cream which was melting everywhere.

The band in the parade.

Ryan got a balloon monkey. He was behaved that day.

With his Spiderman swim trunks on, here he is running in the springer.

He had fun!

School Project

Ryan made this vest at school for cowboy week.

Building on a Rainy day

Ryan built a house out of Popsicle sticks on a raining day. I didn't really help him. He did it all himself.

The finished product

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Super Soaker

Jeff bought Ryan a Super Soaker water gun and other little water guns. We all run around the yard chasing and squirting each other. We have a lot of fun.

Jump Rope and Hula Hoop

Ryan hula hooping and jump roping. It is funny and cute.