Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Enchanted Village

At Jordan's Furniture they have The Enchanted Village. Which is animated figures for Christmas. Ryan enjoyed it.

Christmas in the air

Here is our house all decorated and our car decorated like rudolph the red nose reindeer.

Singing Christmas carols

Ryan was singing "Oh Christmas Tree" while we were at La Salette, because of all the Chrtistmas trees. He used his chipmunk voice to sing. He still likes to pretend he is different animals. It was a little dark. but you can kind of see him. You can hear him thou

La Salette

La Salette is a church with a festable of lights. Ryan loved walking around and looking at all the lights.  The weather wasn't too cold but we got hot chocolate anyways.

 This was a real donkey, we saw there.

When we walked up the stairs to the shrine, this is a picture of some of the lights.

Christmas Parade - Taunton

We went to our second Christmas parade on Sunday with Dad and our neighbors.  We didn't make it through the whole parade. It was too long and the kids lost interest. Their also too much time in between floats. But it was fun with whom we went with. Ryan and Lilly were playing with another little boy with bubbles. Ryan collected all the bubbles in his hand. they seem to have fun

Gingerbread house

we made a gingerbread house. It was messy but tasty. I had to take the picture quickly before Ryan ate it.  Scrappy enjoyed licking frosting too.

Christmas Parade - Brockton

We went to the Christmas parade in Brockton.  We got to see my father walk in the parade.

fixing the fence

Ryan and Jeff fixed the fence together. Ryan loves helping his Dad with projects around the house.

Thanksgiving Feast at School

They had a Thanksgiving Feast at Ryan's school. Their were songs and Ryan said he was "Thankful for his dog".

not feeling well

a couple of weeks ago Ryan wasn't feeling well.  He was home with Dad while I was at work.  Ryan and Scrappy were napping on the couch together.  Ryan end up having strep throat.  Thank God he is better now.  He isn't a fun patient.