Thursday, January 12, 2012

Swim Lessons

 These pictures are not the best quaily. I took them with my phone. I forgot my camera. Here is Ryan at his swim lessons.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year"s Eve

 We celebrated New Year's Eve and my birthday. We had ice cream cake, balloon, noise makers and hats. I was the only one who stayed up to midnight. But we had fun before Ryan went to bed.


Ryan can be a great helper sometimes. Here he is doing the dishes for me. Washing his own cup.

Christmas Day

Christmas morning at home was great. It was the best Christmas we have ever had. It was very relaxing and we enjoyed it. It was just us. We opened presents, watched movies, had family dinner. It even snow a little.

 Ryan said he wanted a Snuggie like mine but blue. So, Santa got him one.
 Santa bring Dad and Ryan Light Sabers. That way they can duel.

 Ryan opening gifts.
 A big gift from Santa.
 The big gift was a pirate ship with little pirates and the ship really floats on water.
 Ryan got a Bubblebee Transformer Mask. He loves dress up.
We love visiting family for the holidays. But it was a Merry Christmas being home.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was at our house.  My parents, sister and her husband came over for dinner and gifts. Above is Ryan is his reindeer antlers he made. He had some from last year, but they didn't fit him anymore. So, we made new ones this year.
This is Ryan outside after my family had left. We had to throw the reindeer food on the ground and that way Santa can have cookies inside the reindeer can have oats outside. Their was glitter in with the oats so, the reindeer would be able to see it.
throwing reindeer food

Leaving Christmas Tree cookies for Santa.

A note for Santa as well. Saying Merry Christmas and enjoy the cookies.
What Santa left under the tree

Getting Ready for Christmas

When we got back from PA we started getting ready for Christmas.

Ryan in front of our Christmas tree

Ryan and Dad in front of our Christmas tree
Scrappy has his "Santa Paw's " collar on

Taunton Green

Like every year we went to the Taunton Green in the center of our town where they light up everything and play Christmas music. Jeff could go with us this year which is better. It was fun but Ryan was disappointed that they didn't have penguins this year. He remembers they had penguins last year. He got over it though.

 Ryan petting a fake sheep.
 The Christmas City
 A big Santa

Christmas in PA

Christmas in PA and Aunt Wendy's birthday party we a busy weekend but tons of fun.

Ryan opening Christmas gifts at Grandpop's house.
 Dad and Ryan at Aunt Wendy's birthday party.

 Mama and Ryan at Aunt Wendy's birthday party.
 Uncle Brett and Ryan at Aunt Wendy's birthday party.
 Ryan opening gifts at Grams' house.

Jeff trying to put Ryan's toys together.

Singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

The couch is his stage.

Christmas Party Day

We had two Christmas parties to go to on the same Sunday. First was a friends party. The second was A Mason Christmas party (through my father's lodge). We ate many cookies that day.  

 Ryan and Jonathan at the Pentz's Christmas party.
 Ryan, my friend Corey and Aiden at the first party.
 At the second Christmas party. Ryan's cousin
Chase was there. (My cousin's son, who is three weeks older then Ryan). They had a great time playing together.
Ryan got to see Santa and get a gift from him. It was a
Cars2 toy. Ryan was very excited. 

Edaville Railroad

 Before Christmas we went to Edaville Railroad. We went last year and Ryan wasn't on his best behavior. So, we were not planning on going back except Ryan heard me talking about Edaville to a friend on the phone. He said "I want to go". We did go, it wasn't as cold this year as it was last. That was good. We got to see the lights, go on the train, take a ride as a family on the merry go round, and had a hot dog for dinner. Did I forget the hot coco.

 hot coco
 train ride