Tuesday, February 28, 2012

karate party


Last month we got snow for one day. The only real snow we have gotten for 2012.

Friday, February 17, 2012


We went to Frenzy's with our friends Laura, Griffin and Felix. Frenzy's is a play place with bounce houses. They had fun of course.
This is Ryan with the balls in his shirt. It almost likes he has muscles.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Booster Seat

Ryan can finally fit in a booster seat instead of a car seat. I was so sick of the car seat. We put him in it a few weeks ago.  He had to be at least 4 years old, 40 lbs and 40 inches. He is at least all three. He is holding one of his new favorite toys, a Hedgehog, named (Can you guess?) Hedgie. He made up the name.