Sunday, April 15, 2012

New England Aquarium

 We went to the New England Aquarium last week. Above is Ryan and the jelly fish.
 Ryan and a giant fish.
 They have a touch tank there. That was Ryan's favorite part. Above is a star fish in the touch tank.
 Ryan and Dad touching mussels.
 Still at the touch tank. We were there for a while. When Ryan grows up he either wants to be a Veterinarian or a Marine Biologist.
A sea lion that reminded us of Scrappy. Fat and plopped on its side. haha

Easter Day

 The Easter Bunny had come

 Easter Egg Hunt

 Dressed for Easter Dinner

Easter Day Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Day Easter Egg Hunt

Coloring Easter Eggs

 We colored Easter Eggs the Friday before Easter.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fun Day at School

Ryan had Fun/mismaked day at school.

Happy Easter

Ryan and Scrappy are ready for Easter

Easter Egg Hunt

We went on an Easter Egg Hunt last week with our neighbors Tod, Dawn and Lilly. We went to Winslow Petting Farm. The goat above is much bigger then Scraps. 
 Ryan with the sheep.

Ryan and Lilly ready to hunt some eggs. 
Ryan on top of the play ground.sometimes he is afraid of heights and sometimes he is not.  

 Ryan and Lilly playing
 Ryan and Lilly on the see saw
 Ryan on the tire horse.

 Ryan and Dad feeding the horses
 Ryan and Dad

Ryan riding while Lilly feeds the horse.