Tuesday, May 8, 2012

First T-Ball Game

Ryan's first T-Ball game was last Saturday. He did great! Much better then he did with soccer in the fall. This could be his thing. He had a fun time too. He hit the ball and went after it when others hit it. He played Short Stop and First Base. His number was 2.  He is looking forward to his second game this Saturday.

School Cookout

School Cookout

Ryan had a cookout at school where they preformed.


 We went to the Roger Williams Zoo in Providence RI a couple of weeks ago with our friends, Laura, Griffin, Felix, Laurie and Jonathan.  We saw zebras, elephants, giraffes and etc..
 Ryan very excited to be there.
Ryan with Griffin and Felix watching birds
 Ryan and Jonathan watching giraffes.
 Ryan and Felix climbing rocks with other kids
Ryan climbing a big tree stomp. A year ago he wouldn't have done this. he is brave, again.