Monday, October 29, 2012

Sept. and Oct. 2012

 Ryan in his soccer uniform
 ready for soccer
 apple picking with dad

 camp out in our backyard. we had\ the tent, grill and firepit. Ryan's first time camping out. He loved it. We did it a couple of times in Sept. Before the weather got too cold.

The Big Race (that is what Ryan called it). Jeff ran a charity5k race for the East Longmeadow school system. They had a kids race. Which was a short race for Ryan but he got a shirt and medal. He was excited.
 Ryan and Jeff running the Big race
 Ryan's first road race
 Ryan at the Big E fair. having a hot dog. one of his favorite things to eat.
Ryan had a blue slushy at the Big E and turned his tongue blue

 Ryan went on rides with his friend Jarrett.
In Oct.

 In Oct. my parents came to visit and we went to the pumpkin patch and pick pumpkins.
 We went to a corn maze and hay maze at Pell Farm in Somer, CT. We got to go Dad, he had the day off.
 at the farm with the corn maze and hay maze Ryan was a bat

 Ryan's first field trip at school. I got to go with him. above is Ryan on the bus. We went to the same farm we went with Dad  to the corn and hay maze. Pell Farm
 Pell Farm has animals there too. Our favorite animals were the piglets. they were so cute. On his field trip Ryan got to take home a small pumpkin too.
 We carved our pumpkins from pumpkin picking this past week. And Ryan painted his pumpkin he got from his field trip. Ryan's pumpkin is a jack-o-lantern, the middle one is a bat(that is mine) and the last one is the small one Ryan painted from his field trip. It is painted a mummy, a werewolf and a vampire.
 Ryan's jack o lantern and Scooby Doo blow up on our front porch.
My bat pumpkin
Ryan dressed in his halloween costume
Scooby Doo
 Ryan at a Halloween party. Dancing on the stage to Halloween music. the DJ put on the Scooby Doo song because he saw Ryan in his Scooby costume on the stage.
 Ryan and I. I'm Daphne from Scooby Doo. Heading to a Halloween Fair
 A giant spider at the Halloween fair.
 Jamboree for Soccer. All the kids got a trophy
Ryan and his Soccer trophy.

End of Summer and Beginning of School

The end of the summer and the beginning of school.
Ryan got a guitar for his birthday just his size

 Flying a kite in his front yard
 Slip and Slide
 We visited the Eric Carle Museum. Ryan's first art museum
Ryan on roller skates.
At the Springfield Museum at the lego exhibit
Ryan's first day of Kindergarten 8/28/12
Ryan Perry the Playapus (from Phineas and Ferb Disney TV show) backpack
The kindergarters had  a practice run on the school bus. Ryan had never been on a school bus before. So, I let him go on to try it out for field trips. He doesn't need to take the bus since we are only a mile up the road from his school. He said he was a little nerious but it was okay.
Below is Ryan's school.


During the summer. Ryan and I were determined to find a beach near our new house. It took 1hr and 45 mins. But we had fun. Plus on the way we saw the Hot Dog Wiener mobile.