Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pictures From My Phone

These are pictures from my phone.
These are from Thanksgiving above
This is when we cut down our own Christmas Tree
Ryan's gingerbread house
Our new house Christmas lights (I took a lot of them)
Ryan and Jeff at Jeff's work Christmas party
Ryan was Star Student during Dec.
That means it is his special week
He gets to bring in things from home, he gets to be line leader and be the teacher's helper for that week
 Ryan and mama going to Christmas parties
even my car was dressed up for Christmas as Rudolph
In Springfield they have Bright Nights. You can drive thought the park and it is all lite up for Christmas
Ryan testing out of his white belt. Now he is a yellow belt
He was so proud of himself. We were proud too. He broke a board with his hand.
A play date at a friends house decorating cookies
New York City. Ryan's first time to NYC
The Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center
First snowman of the season
Above is from a New Year's Eve party. The Mom's Club had (which I'm part of).  Ryan had friends there. They had music, games, face painting and crafts (I did the crafts).
It was a Noon year Eve party at noon time for the kids. It was a lot of fun!
Ryan's snow fort
Ryan wearing his snow monster hat and Meadow Brook School shirt (that is his school)
Lastly Jan. 2013
Ryan plays and watches (some)football his Jeff.

New Years Dance

New Years Dance

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Dec. 2012

pictures from Dec.
our Christmas Card
In Dec. Ryan tested out of a white belt to a yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do.
Ryan and Jeff and our Christmas Tree we picked ourselves
Santa had come
Ryan on Christmas morning
Ryan got a Stuffy from Santa. It is a toy you can put other toys inside.
Ryan got from mama and Dad a Wild Kratts shirt with his name on it.
Ryan the red nosed reindeer

The Christmas cookie Ryan made for me.


The video on top is Ryan counting to 10 in Korean. He learned in Tae Kwon Do.
 The bottom video is Ryan singing the Brown Song. He learned from school.