Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fall and Winter 2013

Sorry for the delay.  Not used to working.
Here are pictures from fall and now from winter. Some are not in order because they are from my phone. Enjoy!
Also, if there is any pictures I didn't send you on snapfish, let me know and I will. :)
Above is Ryan with his friend Ryan P. at the park. 
Ryan as Leo from the Teenage Ninja Turtles
I brought Ryan to his school one weekend to play on the equipment. This is the playground at his school above and below. 

Above is at a friends birthday party. From left to right Dustin, Chris, Ryan and Susannah. 
Above and below apple picking with friends. above from left to right Ryan, Jack and Susannah. 

Above and below is from the Big E Fair. The Iron Man was made out of legos.

Above and below our Halloween Gingerbread house.

Above Ryan as a Ninja for Halloween
Above and below is from the Fair in town. The mom's club had a bake sale. 

Lost tooth!

Above and below is from pumpkin picking when Grams visited us. Below is Ryan's first time on a horse.


Above is Ryan and I as ninja's for Halloween.
Below is Ryan with another friend Ryan Six Flags

Below is a frog dressed up as Ryan haha!

Above and Below is from Halloween Night. We went trick or Treating with our friends in their neighbor. We also brought one of our neighbors with us (Chris).
Below from left to right is Matt, Ryan P. Ryan and Chris. Ninjas and a train. haha!

Above and Below is Ryan's belt testing. He is now a blue belt. 

Above more Halloween.
Below is Ryan in his Cub Scouts uniform.  It is his first year in cub scouts, he seems to like it.

Below Ryan is wearing one of his favorite sweatshirts. Gator's from Gandpop, Grandma Cindy and Great Grandma Patty in FL.  
Below is from the Moms club. The moms club donated money to the library. 

Above is our Christmas card.
Ryan as a Thanksgiving Mouse. 
Above and below are from Ryan's first Christmas Contest. He did a great job!

First snow of the winter. my little snow angel. 
Above and below we cut down our own Christmas tree. 

Above our Christmas tree. Below is just a snowman head. the first snow of the winter wasn't enough for a whole snow man. lol


Making Christmas Cut out cookies and gingerbread house.
Below is our gingerbread alien family

Below our fireplace with the socking

More snow! Last snow of 2013. Ryan loves eating it. lol

Above is Ryan at Grams' house with one of her cats. He had fun playing chasing the cats and the cats chasing him. Below is him in front of her Christmas tree. 

Above is our Christmas tree from outside. Below Santa has come. 
Below is Christmas morning. 

Above is a solar system projector

Scrappy opening his gift
Ryan got a DS video system. He got for games Pac-man, Batman and Mario. 
Below reading a Scooby book he got from Grandpop.

Scrappy got a bone from

Above and below are from left to right Juan, Javier and Ryan. This was when the moms club adopted a family for Christmas. 

Below Santa give each one of us a Nerf gun and darts.  we run around the house shooting each other and have Nerf wars. 
Below is during Christmas vacation. having lunch at a friends house. 

Above is "the look". this is the look we get sometimes from him.

The moms club throws a New Year's Eve party, but at NOON time. 
First snow of 2014! Jeff and I built a snow tunnel.

Lastly, below is our Christmas Elf that went home with Santa on Christmas Eve. Ryan named him Lightning. He will be back again next Christmas.