Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Ryan with a Turkey with a Turkey hat on, that he made.

Ryan with his Pluto in the pumpkin patch shirt on.

Scrappy as a Pilgrim

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Disney Live

On Nov. 7th Saturday Grampy and Grammy treated Ryan and I to Disney Live in Providence, RI. It was Ryan first show. He was really good. He sat throughout the whole show and didn't get bored during intermission. He seemed to enjoy the show.
Grammy, Grampy (my parents) and Ryan with Mickey ears.

Mama and Ryan. Ryan is interred in the show. I always give funny looks in pictures.

Ryan got all excited when Mickey came out onto the stage.

The Finally!

Grampy, Ryan and Mama. Ready to go home. Ryan fell right to sleep on the ride home.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Football and Leave Clean Up

Sunday was Football and Leave clean up day at our house. Ryan and Dad played football and raked up leaves into a pile. We got to jump and roll in the pile of leaves. Then Ryan got bored with jumping, so he relocated the leaves into leave bags, bushes, his wagon and all over the yard. Today they did it all over again. Fall is so much Fun! Are you ready for some football?

Go New England Patriots!

Weeee! This is fun jumping in the leaves. Wish I could do it all year long.

Ryan need gloves to put the leaves in the bags.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween Night

Halloween Night, Ryan went out Trick or Treating. He LOVED it! He wanted to go to more houses but I thought at this age six houses is enough. Plus, it was neighbors that we know and he got a ton of candy from just those six houses. Scrappy dressed up as a (as Ryan calls him) a "Buzzy Bee" and Ryan of course was T-Rex. Both boys liked seeing other kids and dogs dressed up in their costumes. Scrappy was the hit of the night for the kids trick or treating at our house. All the kids keep saying "look at that dog, he's dressed up like a bee!". Ryan didn't stay outside all night, even though it was 70 degree that night, he wanted to go inside the house and watch Pooh's Halloween. It was a Happy Halloween! Getting all dressed
Scrap's is ready for some treats. Doesn't care much for the tricks.

He had to have a blue lollipop before he went Trick or Treating.

Ready to Go!
The boys dressed up

Got my bag, Let's Go!

After Trick or Treating Ryan had to rest on his picnic table and eat some candy. Not a lot.

He got tired of the head again.

Jack-o-lantern, Ryan and Dad watching for Trick or Treaters.

"What a long night" Such hard work Trick or Treating.

We did dinner outside that night. We didn't eat just candy

Ryan sharing dinner with Scrappy. Even though Scrappy already ate his dinner.

Scrappy eating his costume or a bone, (can't tell) as he is running away from Ryan who is chasing him. Ryan chases him then Scrappy chases Ryan.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Karaoke With Elmo

Ryan got a Sing with Elmo toy for his birthday. Here is Ryan doing Karaoke with Elmo to "Elmo's World".

Mommy and Me Halloween Party

On Friday Oct. 30th we went to our Mommy and Me Halloween Party. We both enjoy going to Mommy and Me, we get to see our friends, sing songs, eat snacks and do crafts. We only stayed a little over an hour because Ryan was hot and tired (he hadn't napped yet and it was a small room and many people in costumes)and I had to go to work. Mama and Ryan at Mommy and Me Halloween Party.
Gabby, My mom Linda and Ryan. Gabby and Ryan have the same shirts on, so cute!

All dressed up. Roar!

I love the tail, I can't get enough of it.

Mama and Ryan getting some snacks.


This is the whole Mommy and Me group that was there for the Halloween Party. Some days there are more babies and mothers.

Circle Time. Mama and Ryan singing and doing the hand motions for "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

Ryan did craft time with Grammy. He glued eyes, a nose, stem and mouth on a Jack-O-Lantern. I started packing up, I had to go to work.