Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mommy and Me Halloween Party

On Friday Oct. 30th we went to our Mommy and Me Halloween Party. We both enjoy going to Mommy and Me, we get to see our friends, sing songs, eat snacks and do crafts. We only stayed a little over an hour because Ryan was hot and tired (he hadn't napped yet and it was a small room and many people in costumes)and I had to go to work. Mama and Ryan at Mommy and Me Halloween Party.
Gabby, My mom Linda and Ryan. Gabby and Ryan have the same shirts on, so cute!

All dressed up. Roar!

I love the tail, I can't get enough of it.

Mama and Ryan getting some snacks.


This is the whole Mommy and Me group that was there for the Halloween Party. Some days there are more babies and mothers.

Circle Time. Mama and Ryan singing and doing the hand motions for "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

Ryan did craft time with Grammy. He glued eyes, a nose, stem and mouth on a Jack-O-Lantern. I started packing up, I had to go to work.

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