Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm a doggy

Ryan's first song he made up all by himself. It is called "I'm a doggy".

Monday, May 17, 2010

Southwick Zoo

On May 1st we went to our first Zoo for the season. The Southwick Zoo in Menden, MA. It was about an hour from our house, but it was worth it. It had animals, a playground, petting zoo and kiddie rides. We will have to go again. They had a train and a sky lift, but we didn't do the train that day and I DO NOT DO SKY LIFTS (unless I'm skiing). This is Buddy, he is a T-Rex. He is on the TV show "Dinosaur Train", one of Ryan's favorite shows. It is about different types of dinosaurs.
Ryan and Dad looking at the elephants.

Here is the elephant and a pony. Ryan said what he wanted to see most of all was the elephants. He was happy to see them first.

Dad helping Ryan down from climbing on picnic tables. He is a little bit of a monkey himself.

Ryan running off to see more animals. He keep saying "I want to see more animals".

It was a hot day for May 1st. The tigers were sleepy.

We got to the playground and Ryan didn't want to leave. He had to go on all the slides.

Another slide.

And of coarse the giant sandbox.

Riding a dinosaur

Finally, we got Ryan away from the playground to see the rest of the animals.
Here are the tired lions.

Most of the animals were sleepy. The Leopard.

Ryan got to see and feed some deer. We don't see many deer in Taunton, MA.

The Rhino was awake.

A camel.

The gaffers.

Ryan favorite part of the whole zoo. The Goats. The reason why Ryan loved the goats so much was he could pet and feed them. BUT, if you ask him "what did the goat do?" He will tell you, (while he is laughing and has a big grin on his face) "the goat was walking along and pooped, little round poops".

The goats.

More goats.

Before we left for the day. Ryan went on a car ride. I thought he was going to be scared and scream to get off, because he doesn't like (or used to) the rides at the store/mall. He was fine on it and really liked it.

After the car ride. He did go in a bounce house (Ryan's favorite, another one). But the pictures didn't come out good, so they are not on here. After the bounce house, we did leave, he had mini meltdown because he didn't want to leave. He was tired and hungry though. We got him a snack and he fell asleep on the way home.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Reptile Party

On Saturday we went to a Reptile Birthday Party. Ryan had a blast! He did not fear anything. He touched all of the animals that he was allowed to touch. He even reached inside a bag and pulled out a Milk Snake. There were lizards, turtles, snakes and an alligator believe it or not and more. Ryan had such a good time, we might be having a Reptile Birthday Party for him.

Dad and Ryan with a lizard.

Ryan and Nick with a gecko. It was Nick's 5th birthday party.

A lizard climbing up Ryan's leg.
The man told Ryan be still and just let it crawl up you.
GROSS! a taranchula spider!

Now, Ryan is the only child who wanted to stick his hand inside the bag.

All by himself, he pulled out a Milk Snake.
A Milk Snake.

A Python.

Ryan and Dad holding the Python.

I even held the Python too.
Lastly, the Alligator.

Ryan helped Dad hold the Alligator's tale.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Happy Mother's Day

The other day in the yard Ryan was picking dandelions and said "here Mama, Happy Mother's Day". He can be so sweet sometimes.
His shirt says "My mom rocks!"