Monday, May 10, 2010

Reptile Party

On Saturday we went to a Reptile Birthday Party. Ryan had a blast! He did not fear anything. He touched all of the animals that he was allowed to touch. He even reached inside a bag and pulled out a Milk Snake. There were lizards, turtles, snakes and an alligator believe it or not and more. Ryan had such a good time, we might be having a Reptile Birthday Party for him.

Dad and Ryan with a lizard.

Ryan and Nick with a gecko. It was Nick's 5th birthday party.

A lizard climbing up Ryan's leg.
The man told Ryan be still and just let it crawl up you.
GROSS! a taranchula spider!

Now, Ryan is the only child who wanted to stick his hand inside the bag.

All by himself, he pulled out a Milk Snake.
A Milk Snake.

A Python.

Ryan and Dad holding the Python.

I even held the Python too.
Lastly, the Alligator.

Ryan helped Dad hold the Alligator's tale.

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