Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ice Cream

We went for ice cream at Hanson Farm where they had cows too. The pictures came out okay for using Jeff's phone. Ryan had strawberry ice cream, I had chocolate chip and Jeff had black raspberry. Ryan really like a calf name Sandy who was only two months old. She liked Ryan's hand and he thought it was funny. Ryan and Sandy the calf.
Ryan says to me, "it isn't a cow Mama, it is a calf".

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ryan 36 Months

Ryan went for his three year appointment yesterday. He did well. He has grown two inches in the last 6 months and has gained three pounds. The doctor said he could be a football player and will most likely be 5'9 or 5'10 when he is fully grown. Which is fine with me. He is bowlegged but that will improve over time. When the doctor left Ryan thought he could leave too. He was angry because he needed a lead test still. But he got a sticker and a blue lollipop which made him happy when we did leave.

At 36 months he is 37 1/4 inches and 33.2 lbs.

Ryan can:

  • swim with a float

  • pedal a tricycle

  • ride a scooter

  • he knows his first and last name

  • knows his parents names (Kim and Jeff Martin)

  • knows how old he is

  • can draw shapes and faces

  • dress himself without help

  • ask "why" a lot

  • play with others as well as himself

  • play make-believe

  • Almost potty trained

  • is started to understand others feelings

  • can brush his teeth

  • makes rhymes

  • will be starting preschool on Sept. 13th

  • can identify pictures, people and friends by name

  • can go to the bathroom without help (with clothes, toilet and washing hands)

  • throw and hit a t-ball

  • speak and be understood

  • carry on a conversation using sentences

  • can balance on each foot for at least 10 seconds

  • prepare a bowl of oatmeal by himself

  • identify all colors

  • Can count to 20, 30 with help

  • can count by 10's with help

  • can count backwards from 10

  • can count to 5 in Spanish

  • can be bossy sometimes

  • can be sensitive
  • can use the computer and mouse by himself and play games (sesame street web site)

Ryan's likes:

  • fruit

  • vegetables

  • chicken nuggets

  • pizza

  • pasta

  • TV

  • favorite shows "Dinosaur Train, Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse, Backyardiagans, Scooby Doo, Handy Manny"

  • favorite books "If you give a mouse a cookie, No David, I love you goodnight"

  • favorite movies "Finding Nemo, Shark Tales and Toy Story"

  • playing toys

  • seeing friends

  • swimming

Ryan's dislikes:

  • someone telling him not to do something he wants to do

  • coming in from outside

  • telling him no more TV

  • telling him it is time to go to the bathroom(Ryan doesn't yet tell me he has to go, we have to tell him to go)

  • trying new foods

  • getting moving out the door when he wants to play toys

Overall, Ryan is a good kid.

Ryan's Scooter

Ryan shows off his new scooter.

Ryan Birthday

Hard to believe Ryan got a few more presents on his birthday. He got a scooter from Me and Jeff and a bell to go on it.

Ryan Third Birthday Party

Ryan third birthday party was on Aug. 14th 2010. It was a Reptile Birthday Party. He was so excited, he had been talking about it and who was coming for about a month. It went well and it wasn't 95 degrees. It is the first year we were not dying from the heat. Happy Birthday!
Before everyone got there. Ryan tried on his party hat and eat fruit from the fruit tray.

Ryan helped me pick out balloons for that we ordered for the party a week ago. This is one he choose.

We his friends got here, he played a little with them but this is him running around the house mowing the lawn.


We got changed for the third time that day. This is the tee shirt I made for him. It says "Look at me I'm 3". And he is showing us with his fingers how many too.

We watched a little TV and played toys with Griffin until the reptile show started.

Uncle Erik also entertained with hitting balloons.

Ryan waiting patently while the reptile person unload the animals.

Ryan really seem to enjoy himself as well as friends too.
Ryan and the turtle.


Dad and the tarantula.

Ryan and the tarantula.

Ryan and the bearded dragon.

He liked his tail.

Ryan and the tree frog. The name of the tree frog was "Booger" because it was green and it stuck to everything. Ryan says the frog was one of his favorites.

Ryan got to pull snakes out of bags without thinking twice about it.

Ryan and Griffin holding a large snake.

Another snake. They loved the snakes.

An anaconda snake. Everyone had to hold this snake. Ryan and Griffin got the head.

Saved the best for last: The alligator. Ryan really liked the alligator because he could poke at his eyes and it didn't hurt the him.

Ryan touching the teeth too and riding it.

After the reptile show we did cake.

Ryan was very happy for the cake but then ate mostly strawberry ice cream.

After cake most of his friends had gone it was a long day. The party started at 12noon and we started gifts after 4 (I think). It was mostly family left. Ryan had many presents.
Overall, he had a great time and that is all that matters. :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Ryan!

Three years ago
Three years old today.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Ryan driving his new truck.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Getting Ready for Preschool

Ryan has a lion backpack already for preschool. He was going to go to a private preschool near my work. But they have closed. Now he is going to go to a public preschool near our house. We visited it yesterday and he didn't want to leave. He starts school on Sept. 13th.