Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ryan 36 Months

Ryan went for his three year appointment yesterday. He did well. He has grown two inches in the last 6 months and has gained three pounds. The doctor said he could be a football player and will most likely be 5'9 or 5'10 when he is fully grown. Which is fine with me. He is bowlegged but that will improve over time. When the doctor left Ryan thought he could leave too. He was angry because he needed a lead test still. But he got a sticker and a blue lollipop which made him happy when we did leave.

At 36 months he is 37 1/4 inches and 33.2 lbs.

Ryan can:

  • swim with a float

  • pedal a tricycle

  • ride a scooter

  • he knows his first and last name

  • knows his parents names (Kim and Jeff Martin)

  • knows how old he is

  • can draw shapes and faces

  • dress himself without help

  • ask "why" a lot

  • play with others as well as himself

  • play make-believe

  • Almost potty trained

  • is started to understand others feelings

  • can brush his teeth

  • makes rhymes

  • will be starting preschool on Sept. 13th

  • can identify pictures, people and friends by name

  • can go to the bathroom without help (with clothes, toilet and washing hands)

  • throw and hit a t-ball

  • speak and be understood

  • carry on a conversation using sentences

  • can balance on each foot for at least 10 seconds

  • prepare a bowl of oatmeal by himself

  • identify all colors

  • Can count to 20, 30 with help

  • can count by 10's with help

  • can count backwards from 10

  • can count to 5 in Spanish

  • can be bossy sometimes

  • can be sensitive
  • can use the computer and mouse by himself and play games (sesame street web site)

Ryan's likes:

  • fruit

  • vegetables

  • chicken nuggets

  • pizza

  • pasta

  • TV

  • favorite shows "Dinosaur Train, Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse, Backyardiagans, Scooby Doo, Handy Manny"

  • favorite books "If you give a mouse a cookie, No David, I love you goodnight"

  • favorite movies "Finding Nemo, Shark Tales and Toy Story"

  • playing toys

  • seeing friends

  • swimming

Ryan's dislikes:

  • someone telling him not to do something he wants to do

  • coming in from outside

  • telling him no more TV

  • telling him it is time to go to the bathroom(Ryan doesn't yet tell me he has to go, we have to tell him to go)

  • trying new foods

  • getting moving out the door when he wants to play toys

Overall, Ryan is a good kid.

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