Sunday, January 30, 2011

Happy 40th Birthday Dad!

We celebrated Jeff's birthday all week long. Last Saturday we got he gift, well, Ryan
HAD to give it to him right away. Then last Sunday Ryan draw a picture of a cake, presents and balloons, he couldn't wait to give that to him either. Thursday was a snow day, so we made his birthday cake, we HAD to eat it that night. Today for his actual birthday we gave him cards.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Sister's Bridal Shower

Ryan and Jeff helped set up for my sister's Bridal Shower that was Sunday. It was before the football started. Ryan had to test out Auntie Kelly's chair for her and tried to eat the cake before she got there. The boys didn't stay but I brought a piece of cake home for Ryan.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

More Snow

We got more snow today. We had gotten a couple of years ago a "Snow Man Making Kit". On the box it says "just add snow". Well, we got good snowman snow today and we made our very own snowman then Ryan kicked it over. He is such a boy sometimes.

Ryan New Slide

Since we have some much snow. Ryan got to test out in the snow this time his new slide. Of course Jeff and I have to pull him around. He loves it! Then Scrappy jumps on too and tries to get Ryan's hat or mittens. He thinks it is the funniest thing.

Christmas in PA

On Christmas day late morning we head down to PA to spend Christmas there. It was good we got to see everyone. And Ryan got more presents. He loved it. We got a little bit of snow there but not as much as back home in MA, got over a foot. We visited with Grams' house, Grandpop's house and Dave and Heather's house. Grams and Ryan
Ryan got a ebook from Uncle Erik and Aunt Wendy. This is him here reading it. He loves it. The book reads to him. We bought him a Scooby Doo ebook for the system when we got home because we had a gift card for Walmart.

Ryan with Uncle Erik and Aunt Wendy at Grandpop's house. His dog too.

Ryan and Grandpop

Ryan showing Uncle Brett how to build with Lincoln Logs.

Ryan with Blake at Dave and Heathers house.

Christmas Day

Ryan woke up at the normal time on Christmas day 6am and said "holy cow, look at all these presents". He was very excited. He would say " R Y A N" this one is for me. Then he was confused when the gift said TO Dad Love Ryan, he said "but it has my name on it, it must be for me". Ryan opened it anyways, haha, he is such a little bugger. I didn't take a picture of every gift but some of them. I'll have to be more careful next year, Ryan notice I used the same tape to wrap the gifts as Santa did. He is too smart sometimes. This was a gift for Dad (Jeff).
He had to start with the big one. It was a helicopter that had buttons to press.

He got a new slide
(good thing, his one from last year got a hole in it. It was an inflatable one. Also, we have had a lot of snow).

This is a pop-up tent for indoors. It is a bear. I'll have to take a picture of it popped up.

His own lap top, like Dad's. He says "I have work to do".

testing out his lap top

Merry Christmas Ryan in the reindeer jammies.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, we went outside and sprinkled reindeer food for Rudolph to eat when he came to our house. Ryan got it from school. He also got to open two gifts from us. It was a knights helmet and shield. Ryan likes to pretend he is other people and animals. Ryan throwing reindeer food on the lawn.

Opening gifts.

He shield

Ryan the brave knight.

our Christmas tree.

Our stockings and Christmas cards.

Christmas with Scrappy

Scrappy went to my parents house for Christmas, so we celebrated Christmas with Scrappy the day before Christmas Eve. Ryan picked out his gifts. He got a new giant bed/pillow and a squeak Rudolph the red nose reindeer toy. Here is Scrappy enjoy his Christmas presents.
Here is Ryan testing out Scrappy's new bed. You should have see Ryan pick this out at Petsmart. He pulled it off the shelf and dragged it all over the store. He had to get the biggest one for Scraps.

Ryan's First video

I am tranfering items from our computer to a flash drive and found this. This was taken Oct. 10, 2007. The first video we took of Ryan. I thought you would like to see how big he is now compared to here. He was so little.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow Play and The Taunton Green

Sorry for the delay
A couple of days before Christmas, it snowed. We went out and played in the snow.
That night we visited the Taunton Green to see the lights and run around. shelving snow onto plants. He is a great helper.
Scrappy always likes to take Ryan's mittens.

Ryan enjoys just sitting in the snow.

Scrappy sitting in his stop where he watches the neighborhood.

Taunton Green

Ryan with Rudolph

Ryan likes to eat the snow. we found some clean snow to eat.

making a snow angel.

Ryan the penguin

Ryan pretending to be a penguin with the penguins.