Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas Day

Ryan woke up at the normal time on Christmas day 6am and said "holy cow, look at all these presents". He was very excited. He would say " R Y A N" this one is for me. Then he was confused when the gift said TO Dad Love Ryan, he said "but it has my name on it, it must be for me". Ryan opened it anyways, haha, he is such a little bugger. I didn't take a picture of every gift but some of them. I'll have to be more careful next year, Ryan notice I used the same tape to wrap the gifts as Santa did. He is too smart sometimes. This was a gift for Dad (Jeff).
He had to start with the big one. It was a helicopter that had buttons to press.

He got a new slide
(good thing, his one from last year got a hole in it. It was an inflatable one. Also, we have had a lot of snow).

This is a pop-up tent for indoors. It is a bear. I'll have to take a picture of it popped up.

His own lap top, like Dad's. He says "I have work to do".

testing out his lap top

Merry Christmas Ryan in the reindeer jammies.

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