Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Sister's Wedding

My sisters wedding was a couple of weeks ago. I don't have a lot of pictures from it but some. Ryan was very behaved, coinciding it was out of routine.

First there was the rehearsal dinner. He was playing around and eating ice cubes out of all glasses.

When the day for the wedding came he was hilarious. Everyone said he was behaved and was too funny. Here we are at the rehearsal dinner.
Yes, he does tricks.
Mark (my sisters husband now. He brother showed Ryan this trick)

My sister and Mark got Ryan a Build a Bear Ring Bearer Bear as a gift. The bear went down the aisle with him. Ryan got my sister and Mark a bride and groom bears for a gift.

Hugs for Auntie Kelly.

The day of the wedding at my parents house getting ready. He looked so handsome.

After the ceremony. We took pictures outside (it was a nice day for it, except we almost got hit by a fly ball. The hall is next to a minor league baseball field)then Ryan's jacket came off. He was dancing on the dance floor by himself. There were cameras on the tables. He went around to all the tables and asked the guests for the cameras. He was taking pictures of everything and everybody.

I got half a dance in before he got tired and Dad took him home.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Zoo Mobile At Ryan's School

We went to Ryan's school a few weeks ago to see a Zoo Mobile. They brought animals from the zoo in a car to Ryan's school. They had snakes, lizards, birds and a hedgehog (I think there were more, but we don't remember). Ryan liked touching all of the animals EXCEPT the hedgehog. I think he thought it would prick him. Ryan had many questions and was very polite about asking them(for example he kept saying "Excuss Me"). I spoke to one of his teachers Ms. Burgess about Ryan. She said she "loves Ryan, he is always polite and plays nice with the other children". The boy next to Ryan is Zackary. One of Ryan's friends at school.

Ryan was a little upset when the show was over because he wanted to stay at school and play. But I told him he would be back on Friday.

Mowing the Lawn

Dad and Ryan mow the lawn

The Park

Ryan at the park. It was the first time we could come to the park this year. And Ryan rode a big wheel all by himself.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Easter Weekend

Easter WeekendOn Saturday, we colored Easter eggs

The dried Easter eggs.

The Easter Bunny got Ryan a lot of things. The little brown basket on the left is Scrappy's. Ryan got him some breath mint bones because his breath smells.

Ryan got a singing blue bear, a chocolate bunny, water bottle with his name on it.

He also got a white singing Easter Bunny.

And a kite, we can fly on our vacation.

Then it was time for an Easter egg hunt. Ryan was very excited about wearing his PJ's outside. This is the only time he is allowed to wear his PJ's outside. He needed his winter coat and rain boats because it was cold and rainy

The Easter bunny hide them all over the yard. Luckily I cleaned up the yard the day before.

We had a nice Easter dinner later. It was a happy Easter!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Earth Day 2011

On Earth Day we planted some flowers Jeff and Ryan had bought me.

April Vacation

On April Vacation (Spring Break). We had a play date with our friends Laura, Griffin, Felix, Laurie and Jonathan at Kidsport. Kidsport is an indoor (which was good because it rained that day) play area with video games, bowling, bounce houses and a giant play structure which you can climb up and go down slides. It used to be a warehouse. Last year when we went, Ryan was too small for the video games (or he wasn't interested at the time) and the giant play structure (which reaches all the way up to the ceiling). This year, he was so excited he didn't know what to do first. Very Excited!

Ryan and Griffin playing in the do house.
Over the bridge to the dog house.


Ryan and Jonathan playing bowling.

Ryan bowling.

Ryan in the giant play structure. He was afraid to go up at first. He try a couple of times. He saw Jonathan go up and then I couldn't find Ryan (which was OK, it was only for a second, plus Kidsport is only one room in closed area). All of a sudden I see him sliding down one of the slides. He did it! He was so proud of himself and I was proud of him too.

In the bounce house.