Monday, May 16, 2011

Zoo Mobile At Ryan's School

We went to Ryan's school a few weeks ago to see a Zoo Mobile. They brought animals from the zoo in a car to Ryan's school. They had snakes, lizards, birds and a hedgehog (I think there were more, but we don't remember). Ryan liked touching all of the animals EXCEPT the hedgehog. I think he thought it would prick him. Ryan had many questions and was very polite about asking them(for example he kept saying "Excuss Me"). I spoke to one of his teachers Ms. Burgess about Ryan. She said she "loves Ryan, he is always polite and plays nice with the other children". The boy next to Ryan is Zackary. One of Ryan's friends at school.

Ryan was a little upset when the show was over because he wanted to stay at school and play. But I told him he would be back on Friday.

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