Monday, November 21, 2011

Plymouth Plantation

We went to Plymouth Plantation last week.  I thought it would be appropriate since Thanksgiving is this week. I was sure if Ryan and his friend would be bored or enjoy it.  They seem to enjoy it. I'm glad. We went with our friends, Laura, Griffin and Felix. There were many kids there that day on field trips. The boys did stay with us for the most part.  Ryan was behaved for the most part, the only time he was acting fresh was when he was hungry and tired. It was suppose to rain that day but the rain held up until we left Thank Goodness.

the boys crushing corn 
 inside a hut. on an Native Americans bed.
cooking deer on a fire 
 raccoon and fox fur
 taking a rest
they had a play room for kids. they played in the boat
 climbing cannons

 dancing on the look out platform

 mama and ryan

On the Mayflower II
 boat. looking in the captains cabin

 Ryan was a little nervous on the boat. One, because he gets nervous on boats anyways. Two, heights make him nervous too and we had to go up a rump to get on the ship.
 Lastly, we went to Plymouth Rock.  After a long,tired day and fussy day.
 Plymouth rock 1620
Mayflower II from a far

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