Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June Pictures

We went to the Children's Museum in Easton, MA one more time before we move this past week.  We met our friends there, Laura, Griffin, and Felix. Ryan is above with face paint (which he did himself) on a safari, with his safari hat on. The below picture is Ryan in a dinosaurs fossil's mouth (not real of coarse). The museum has an inside and outside area. The above photo is inside and below is outside.

The below photo is of Ryan and Griffin in a tree house they have outside at the museum. This is one of the times Ryan was not afraid of heights. But other times he is, I don't know why?

Below picture is from Ryan graduation from preschool. I took with my phone. I got him some Grad glasses for the occasion.
Below pictures I took today. Ryan is wearing his Active Learners Preschool t-shirt he got for graduation. On the front is has Active Learners Preschool and on the back Graduate.

Above is a picture of Ryan and his friend Keera from preschool. One more playdate before we move

more videos from preschool graduation

Sunday, June 17, 2012

videos from graduation


Ryan's Graduation from Preschool

Ryan's Graduation from Preschool was Thursday night. It was supposed to be Wednesday but it rained, so they had it on Thursday.We are so proud of Ryan. On to Kindergarten. Which I have already registered him.
 He never looks at the camera
 We got there before Jeff. He was so happy to see Dad.
 Playing on the playground at school one last time.
 Patiently waiting for his performance to begin.
 Bakers hat on for his song.
 These next two didn't come out good. I don't if it was my camera or my location of when I was taking it. But is of Ryan receiving his diploma.

 Ryan waiting with his diploma and shirt in his bag.
 Singing monkey he got from Dad and Mama. It sings "Schools Out".

 Ryan and Mama
 Ryan and Dad
They ice cream after the celebration.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

First Time on Roller Skates

We went to a Roller Skating party a few weeks ago. It was Ryan's first time on roller skates. He loved it!