Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Spring 2013


 Here are some pictures from Spring 2013
 Ryan at the Holyoke Children's Museum
 Ryan and I at the zoo
 Ryan at Disney on Ice
 Ryan is in the car. At the park with friends.
 Ryan at the circus.
 Ryan at another park with friends.
 We went fishing with our friends. Front is Jack next Javiar, Juan then Ryan
 Camp out
 Ryan at the South Hadley Falls
 Ryan with Griffin and Felix at the dinosaur tracks in Holyoke
 Ryan, Griffin and Felix at the Eric Carle Museum
 Ryan first lost tooth
Ryan's t-ball team (well half of it)
 Ryan at the Kindergarten play
 Ryan fishing for the first time and caught a cat fish, blue gill and small mouth bass

 field day at school
 Ryan is a green belt at Tae Kwon Do now
Ryan celebrated his birthday at school

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