Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ryan's 6th Birthday and more

Ryan's Happy 6th Birthday!
We had the party on his birthday.  The bounce house came the day before. So, him and the neighbor kids were bouncing for just about 24 hours straight. lol
Below is Ryan on his birthday wearing the birthday hat he got from school in June.  His Kindergarten teacher celebrated his birthday before the summer so he wouldn't be left out. He keep the hat to wear on his real birthday.  The theme was transformers.  That is the shirt he has on.

 Sorry some pictures didn't want to rotate . Ryan sticking his head out of the bounce house.

 The cake

 Ryan with one of the neighbor kids Gabby(she is 4)

Ryan and Jarrett
 Ryan with the sun in his eyes because we don't have tree in our yard. with Anthony from his Kindergarten class
 Pizzas. Of course pepperoni (Ryan's favorite) and cheese
 Jeff serving pizza
 One more look at the cake before happy birthday singing time.
 At the table, not all of the friends were there.  They were still in the bounce house.  They didn't want to come out.

 blowing out his number 6 candle
 Some pictures are out of order because I took them with my phone.
Above Ryan got a Light Bright Robot from Grams.
 Ryan with his 6 balloon and Tranformers balloon.

 In the bounce house

 Ryan at ate a chocolate piece of cake and it was all over his face.
 We gave Ryan the presents from us the next day because it was too much on that day. He got new roller skates and a new scooter.
 Above Ryan is playing with a Scooby Doo Castle he got from Grandpop, Grandma Cindy and Great Grandma Patty.
 Above Ryan is playing with the pyramid of secrets that Uncle Eric and Aunt Wendy got him.
Above he is has his new iron man shirt on and wallet he got from Grammy, Grampy and Auntie Kelly and Uncle Mark

 Above is Ryan first day of camp.  He went to Science Lab camp the week before school started to get us back in the routine of getting up and out of the house. It was all science and it was from 9-12 Mon. -Fri. He loved it! We will have to do the same next year. His first time at camp was a success !
 Above Ryan testing out the new scooter. And Below testing out the new skates.

Lastly, Ryan's first day of first grade.  He had a great day. He had recess twice and his teacher is nice.  He fell at recess but didn't cry.  He said "I was having so much fun, I forgot I was at school."

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