Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Tuesday February 3rd, 2009
On yet another snowy day in MA, we decide to make a collage out of old Parent magazines. Ryan loves looking through them. I tell him what is on the page and occasionally he rips out the ones he likes. So, we took some of those pages and taped them on a big sheet of paper. (I couldn't find the glue, which is probably a good thing because what a mess that would have been. I know, what kind of teacher am I without glue in the house.) The part Ryan enjoyed the most besides the ripping the pages out of the magazines, was the tape. We went through three rolls of tape because he liked to take all the tape off the roll stick it together or stick it to everything else besides the paper. He had fun! The collage didn't last too long, maybe a couple hours if that. We taped a Goldfish picture onto it, well Ryan wanted some Goldfish. So, he ripped the picture off of the collage and brought it to the kitchen, telling me what he wanted to eat.Roll #1

Roll #2 "sticky tape"
"Wow, it sticks to everything"

"It even sticks to my pants" He did say "stuck, stuck".
I used the last roll of tape for the finished product.

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