Monday, February 16, 2009

One and half years old 2/17/09

About Ryan James Martin at 18 months(He's doing the elephant noise in this picture)

Ryan is all over the place. He climbs everything and tries to run.
He says about 40-50 words, a couple new ones a day. I can't keep up.

Does puzzles and shape shorters by himself.

Ryan has been doing sign language since before he was 12 months. He does more, all done, thank you and please.

Knows some shapes and some colors.

One morning he woke Jeff and I up by crowing like a roaster.

He copies everything you say and do.

He likes to reenacts events (for example: if he falls down, he will show you how it happened).

He got his first big boy hair cut.

He had his first time out for doing something he knew he shouldn't do.

Ryan will either take one long nap or two short naps in a day.

Can use a spoon and uses a fork sometimes.

Walks upstairs with little help by himself.

He likes to help around the house.

He likes to give hugs.

He feeds his stuffed animals

Ryan can kick and throw a ball.

He knows his body parts.
Ryan can not sleep without his blue blanket his Grams got him

And can identify pictures in books.

He Loves:

bath time
going outside in any weather

playing with his dog


watching TV

going for walks

painting and coloring

making animal sounds

reading books

playing ball

brushing his hair

playing anything and everything

looking through magazines

blocks with Dad

Favorite TV shows:
Mickey Mouse, Baby Einstein, Sesame Street (especially Big Bird), and Winnie the Pooh

Favorite Foods:

pizza, kiwi, pasta, carrots, vanilla ice cream and chicken tenders

Ryan's dislikes:

car rides
Lima beans (he either gives them to Scrappy and sometimes Scrappy doesn't eat them either or hands them to me)

Not getting his way

And Teething

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