Thursday, July 2, 2009


We took our family vacation to PA. Ryan was great on the way down, that was without a nap. Our first stop was to see Grandpop, Grandma Cindy and Great Grandma Patty. Ryan really enjoyed their pool.
Next we headed for Grams house. That is where we stayed while we were down there. We had fun in the yard and got to see Uncle Brett too.
On Sunday, We went to Sesame Place (Sesame Street Theme Park). Ryan didn't know what to make of it. He was in shock, the characters were so much bigger in real life then on TV. He didn't go on many rides. He seemed tired and over stimulated. But he liked it!
On the way home, Ryan did sleep for about an hour. I'm not sure if his teeth were bothering him or just didn't want to be in the car anymore. But he was crabby. When we got home he is much better.
Ryan swimming with Grandpop
I am the prince, bring me my juice and goldfish

Swimming with Dad

Climbing a tree while waiting for Grams to come home

Taking golf lessons from Uncle Brett

On the tread mill working off those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches(which is one of his favorites on now)

Entering Sesame Place

What is this place?

The Bounce House. "Hop, Hop, Hop"

Picture with Big Bird. Ryan's favorite. He liked seeing Big Bird the most. He slapped him five. As Ryan would say (sometimes he doesn't say his B's instead says D's)"Dig Dird"
Picture with Elmo. Ryan was kind of scared of Elmo.
I guess he likes Elmo better on TV then in real life.

Ryan on the Monster ride.

Eating an Elmo cupcake. If you mention a party to Ryan these days, he will say "Cake, yum, yum"

My tired guys leaving Sesame Place

Later that day. Ryan with Grandpop Mike and Grams

Ryan may had been at Sesame Place all day but still had energy (unlike his parents) to play ball with Grandpop Mike.

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