Thursday, June 25, 2009

The First Time To The Circus And More

Father's Day weekend we went outside for a little bit because it finally stopped raining. It was a good Father's Day. Ryan got Jeff a Boston Red Sox hat like his. Since, Jeff's hat was eaten by Scrappy.
On Monday, we Grampy and Grammy brought us to the Cole Brother's Circus. Ryan first time to the circus. We were not sure if he was going to make a run for it or just sit. Well, he sat until intermission. He loved it! He didn't take his eyes off the show for a moment. Future Drummer. Ryan has been doing this for a while, but I just got him on camera. He takes my fork and his own, turns over his bowl and drums.
Ryan watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Mickey. One of his favorite shows.

Testing out his new lawn chair. Coloring it with sidewalk chalk.

Oh I have hat head now that you have taken off my hat

Father's Day
Doing some coloring with Dad.

This is when we first got to the circus. Ryan wasn't sure what to make of it.

Mama and Ryan at the circus. When the show started Ryan didn't blink. He was very intrigued.

Grammy and Ryan
This was the look on his face the whole time we were there.

It was very dark in the tent. But this was the tight rope walkers.

The elephants were his favorite part of the show. For the next couple of days all Ryan would say "Big Elephant" and make the elephant noise.

We only stayed until intermission. Ryan started getting wiggly. Here we are enjoying some cotton candy.

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