Friday, August 28, 2009


Here are Ryan's TWO year pictures. He had to have as many props as he could. He couldn't just sit there with nothing in his hand or playing with something, except for one picture. There were teddy bears, plush dogs and balls all over the room. The lady had a little yellow ball which looked like one of Scrappy's balls, so Ryan called it "Scrappy ball".But he was very good and smile in almost all of them. Mickey, Ryan and Scrappy ball.
Balls and Ryan

He says "hippity hop"

The only one he stood for a second without any props.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Two Years Old

Ryan did well at his two year appointment at the doctors. He did try to leave out the door a few times and the doctor had to stand in front of it so he would not. He also would not let the nurse nor I get his height. Finally, I laid him down to change his diaper with no one in the room and marked his head then his feet on the paper with a pen. Here Come The Terrible Two's!
He is 33 1/2 inches tall and 28.2 lbs. He is in the 55% for his weight.

At 24months Ryan can:

  • speak in three to four word sentences
  • can speak much more the 50 words
  • can be understood what he is saying 98% of the time
  • carry on a short conversation
  • can draw circles and lines
  • build blocks with 8 or more (little blocks)
  • He knows his name if you ask him "what is your name?"
  • He can read/spell the letters in his name
  • He can identify pictures in a book as well as people in the pictures
  • He can identify some numbers and letters
  • He knows all his colors and shapes and can count to 20 with help (sometimes he says 1,2,3,7 hee, hee it is so cute)
  • knows all his body parts
  • I know their is more but I can not think of anything at the moment
Ryan's favorite foods:
  • carrots
  • any fruit
  • cake, mostly the frosting
  • cheese balls
  • freeze pops

Things Ryan likes to do:

  • playing with friends
  • going to the mall with Mama ( to go to the pet store)
  • watching TV
  • going outside
  • listening, singing(especially at 5am Mary Had A Little Lamb), playing(on his drum, that my lovely sister got him) and dancing to music
  • reading books
  • water (swimming, splashing, bathing etc.)
  • going places such as Mommy and Me and the Library
  • playing

Ryan's dislikes:

  • Not getting his way( for example Ryan some times wants to watch TV ALL DAY LONG, but we don't let him)
  • loud motorcycles

08/17/09 Ryan turns two

We begin Ryan's birthday with giving him one of his presents, a tricycle. He loves it! For our snack we took it outside on his new picnic table, he ate honey dew melon and drink apple juice. Mom and Dad both had to work that day, so we finished celebrated Ryan's second birthday at night when we got home. We sang Happy Birthday again with a candle and Ryan had to blow it out again. Then he got to open more gifts from us. Scrappy helped open gifts and even gave one to Ryan too. Here Ryan testing out his new tricycle. He says "Weeeee"
Putting his new picnic table to use. If you ask Ryan what are you eating he will say "Eating cantaloupe and honey dew melon."

Happy 2nd Birthday Ryan!

Playing T-Ball with Scrappy

His present from Scrappy. A tee shirt with Scrappy's picture on it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ryan's Second Birthday

One Year Ago
Here are just a few pictures from Ryan's second birthday. I will upload more later. Why Do we buy toys? We should buy the boxes.

Mickey Mouse birthday cake

Ryan wearing a party hat

His shirt says "I'm this many 2"

Eating birthday cake

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Birthday

Ryan singing Happy Birthday, getting ready for his second birthday.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Month Of July

We were very busy in the month of July. I am sorry these pictures are NOT in order. I wanted to do as much activities with Ryan before I had to start working summer school (which I started on July 24th). Here Ryan is with our neighbor Lilly (who is three weeks older then Ryan) at her birthday party. 7/18
Dad took Ryan in the big pool at Lilly's house (before it broke)

7/1 we went with our friends Laura, Griffin, Laurie and Jonathan to the petting farm up the road from where we live. We went to lunch first then to the farm. It down poured on us that day. It was still fun. It says "Boys will be Boys" on Ryan's shirt, that is so true. Because of the rain I didn't get many good pictures.

7/14 This is the sand box at Ward's Berry Picking Farm in Sharron, MA. We went with Laura and Griffin.

Here is a mud puddle Ryan and Griffin played in.. Gross. They enjoyed it. "Splash"

7/12 Here is Ryan in the back yard, in his little pool. He loves it. "Water"

7/11 Ryan and Mama dressed up for our cousin Meahgan's wedding.

7/8 This is the petting zoo at the Brockton Fair

The best part of the Brockton Fair is the cotton candy. Ryan says "blue cotton candy".

Riding on the merry go round with Mama

7/15 This is from the Children's Museum. We meet up with Laura, Griffin, Laurie and Jonathan. We went inside and had lunch outside. Here Ryan is wearing butterfly wings. He was running around saying "FLY, FLY".

Griffin and Ryan flying

Inside the Children's Museum. Cooking some pretend food. Yum!

All Aboard!

7/17 Ryan is Exactly 23 months old. Riding in his wagon with his Cape Cod t-shirt on.

7/14 Ward's Berry Picking Farm. Ryan and Griffin picking Blueberries. Both boys ate a ton of blueberries. Griffin kept telling Ryan to only eat the blue ones not the green ones.

After blueberry picking the boys went into a bounce house. This is a great picture. Thank you Laura.

When they were tired of bouncing we checked out the animals. Some cows, chickens and got to pet a baby bunny rabbit.

7/15 these are more pictures from the Children's Museum in Easton, MA. The three of these boys are only a week a part in age. From left to right there is Jonathan(born 8/15/07), Griffin (born 8/9/07) and of course Ryan (born 8/17/07). They play great together.

The elephant outside at the play area at the Children's Museum.

7/23 Ryan eating cake at our friend Amy's house.

7/9 Mama and Ryan in the pool at our friend Jamie's house.

7/25 Lastly, just coming out of the pool at a cook out, eating watermelon bigger then he is.