Saturday, August 22, 2009

Two Years Old

Ryan did well at his two year appointment at the doctors. He did try to leave out the door a few times and the doctor had to stand in front of it so he would not. He also would not let the nurse nor I get his height. Finally, I laid him down to change his diaper with no one in the room and marked his head then his feet on the paper with a pen. Here Come The Terrible Two's!
He is 33 1/2 inches tall and 28.2 lbs. He is in the 55% for his weight.

At 24months Ryan can:

  • speak in three to four word sentences
  • can speak much more the 50 words
  • can be understood what he is saying 98% of the time
  • carry on a short conversation
  • can draw circles and lines
  • build blocks with 8 or more (little blocks)
  • He knows his name if you ask him "what is your name?"
  • He can read/spell the letters in his name
  • He can identify pictures in a book as well as people in the pictures
  • He can identify some numbers and letters
  • He knows all his colors and shapes and can count to 20 with help (sometimes he says 1,2,3,7 hee, hee it is so cute)
  • knows all his body parts
  • I know their is more but I can not think of anything at the moment
Ryan's favorite foods:
  • carrots
  • any fruit
  • cake, mostly the frosting
  • cheese balls
  • freeze pops

Things Ryan likes to do:

  • playing with friends
  • going to the mall with Mama ( to go to the pet store)
  • watching TV
  • going outside
  • listening, singing(especially at 5am Mary Had A Little Lamb), playing(on his drum, that my lovely sister got him) and dancing to music
  • reading books
  • water (swimming, splashing, bathing etc.)
  • going places such as Mommy and Me and the Library
  • playing

Ryan's dislikes:

  • Not getting his way( for example Ryan some times wants to watch TV ALL DAY LONG, but we don't let him)
  • loud motorcycles

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