Saturday, August 22, 2009

08/17/09 Ryan turns two

We begin Ryan's birthday with giving him one of his presents, a tricycle. He loves it! For our snack we took it outside on his new picnic table, he ate honey dew melon and drink apple juice. Mom and Dad both had to work that day, so we finished celebrated Ryan's second birthday at night when we got home. We sang Happy Birthday again with a candle and Ryan had to blow it out again. Then he got to open more gifts from us. Scrappy helped open gifts and even gave one to Ryan too. Here Ryan testing out his new tricycle. He says "Weeeee"
Putting his new picnic table to use. If you ask Ryan what are you eating he will say "Eating cantaloupe and honey dew melon."

Happy 2nd Birthday Ryan!

Playing T-Ball with Scrappy

His present from Scrappy. A tee shirt with Scrappy's picture on it.

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