Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Apple Picking

We went apple picking with my parents on Friday. Ryan got to pick his own apples and if you ask him. '"how many apples did you pick?" He will say one. Because when I ask him how many you are going to pick before we went he said one. He picked three. After picking three he had to test them out. The first apple he started eating fell on the ground. He says "don't eat the apples on the ground, dirty". So, he started eating another since the first tasted so good. He says it tasted "delicious".

Ryan and Grampy

Tastes good!

The second apple


Ryan got an candy lolli pop apple to eat on the ride home.

How Many Dinosaurs?

How many dinosaurs can I fit in my mouth at once? Ryan has two moles coming in at once, one on the top right and one on the bottom left. So he has been putting objects in his mouth lately. I had to take a picture of this..


Ryan loves blue lolli pops. As you can see from this picture. He hair looks like that from having his helmet on while riding his tricycle.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One Silly Monkey...

Ryan LOVES to read books. We read so many books in a day, I can't keep track. One book Ryan really likes is (he got from his Grams) "Five Silly Monkeys" it comes with a puppet too. It says in the book "Five silly monkeys jumping on the bed." What Ryan likes to do is jump on Dad's bed (he calls it Dad's bed because he doesn't see me in it, just Dad) and sing "One Silly Monkey Jumping On The Bed". Of course, his toys and blankets have to be on the bed as well. Here he is, jumping on the bed. I should have video taped it.

Buttonwood Zoo

We went to Buttonwood Zoo in New Bedford, MA on Saturday. I had a field trip there for school during the summer and those kids enjoyed it, so I knew Ryan would enjoy it as well. It is a small zoo and there were not many people there on a Saturday morning in Sept. But it was great because Ryan could run, run, run and he did. When you ask Ryan what he liked best at the zoo, he will say the water everywhere, the elephants and the train ride. They have a train you can ride on there. The train ride is ten minute long and goes around the zoo. It was fun! When we first got to the zoo. Ryan really liked the statue of a bear. We had to say Hello to it when we arrived and good bye to it when we left. Ryan had to pat it each time.
Here is a beaver. In Winnie the Pooh, there is a beaver who works all the time and says "work, work, work". So, when Ryan saw the beaver, he said "work, work, work". Just like the beaver does on TV.

Here is the Harbor Seal. Ryan loved watching him because he was swimming in water.

Dad and Ryan checking out some animals. Ryan ran from one exhibit to the next saying "more animals".

Here is the Black Bear. Ryan was again more excited about the water fall the bear from drinking from then the bear.

The Elephants. They had water too. Ryan was trying to talk to them by doing his elephant sounds.

Last but not least, the train ride

Ryan could chose which box car to sit in. If you ask him what is your favorite color, he will say "blue". We had to sat in the blue box car.

Ryan and Dad on the train

Mama and Ryan on the train.

Ryan on the train. Weeee!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cleaning up

Ryan enjoys helping around the house. Here he is sweeping. Except he couldn't miss Elmo's World, so he is sweeping the rug while he watches TV. He is already great at multi-tasking. We need to get this boy a job. haha.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Working Out

To keep in shape Ryan and Dad work out together. Here they are doing some push ups. Today we went to the mall. We went to see the dogs at the pet store at one end of the mall then Ryan had to sprint to the other end of the mall to see the fish at the aquarium store. Dad and I were right behind him. Our own personal trainer. A couple other funny things Ryan has been doing..just to share with you. We like to play games in the yard, such as hide and seek, tag, racing, ring around the rosie and make believe. When Ryan plays hide and seek, sometimes he cheats. He will count "1,2 ready or not here I come"or "10 ready or not here I come". The other day Ryan was pretending that he was having a birthday party for the rocks. The rocks had pretend party hats, cupcakes with blue frosting and balloons. What an imagination..Then yesterday, we had a fly in the house and he wanted to read a book to it but he couldn't get the fly to stay still.
He really makes me laugh

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Playing with birthday toys

Since Ryan's birthday we have been playing, playing and more playing with the toys he got. And playing with non birthday toys as well, like holes Scrappy has dug.

Ryan playing in his water table. He just loves water!
Reading some new books and doing some puzzles.

Water painting.

Ryan on his new tricycle wearing his new Scrappy tee shirt and his new helmet.

Here is Ryan playing in a very muddy, messy dirt hole Scrappy has dug.

He was covered in dirt when he came out.

And of course, watching a Mickey Mouse and Bob the builder DVD's he got for his birthday too.