Saturday, September 12, 2009

Working Out

To keep in shape Ryan and Dad work out together. Here they are doing some push ups. Today we went to the mall. We went to see the dogs at the pet store at one end of the mall then Ryan had to sprint to the other end of the mall to see the fish at the aquarium store. Dad and I were right behind him. Our own personal trainer. A couple other funny things Ryan has been doing..just to share with you. We like to play games in the yard, such as hide and seek, tag, racing, ring around the rosie and make believe. When Ryan plays hide and seek, sometimes he cheats. He will count "1,2 ready or not here I come"or "10 ready or not here I come". The other day Ryan was pretending that he was having a birthday party for the rocks. The rocks had pretend party hats, cupcakes with blue frosting and balloons. What an imagination..Then yesterday, we had a fly in the house and he wanted to read a book to it but he couldn't get the fly to stay still.
He really makes me laugh

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