Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Buttonwood Zoo

We went to Buttonwood Zoo in New Bedford, MA on Saturday. I had a field trip there for school during the summer and those kids enjoyed it, so I knew Ryan would enjoy it as well. It is a small zoo and there were not many people there on a Saturday morning in Sept. But it was great because Ryan could run, run, run and he did. When you ask Ryan what he liked best at the zoo, he will say the water everywhere, the elephants and the train ride. They have a train you can ride on there. The train ride is ten minute long and goes around the zoo. It was fun! When we first got to the zoo. Ryan really liked the statue of a bear. We had to say Hello to it when we arrived and good bye to it when we left. Ryan had to pat it each time.
Here is a beaver. In Winnie the Pooh, there is a beaver who works all the time and says "work, work, work". So, when Ryan saw the beaver, he said "work, work, work". Just like the beaver does on TV.

Here is the Harbor Seal. Ryan loved watching him because he was swimming in water.

Dad and Ryan checking out some animals. Ryan ran from one exhibit to the next saying "more animals".

Here is the Black Bear. Ryan was again more excited about the water fall the bear from drinking from then the bear.

The Elephants. They had water too. Ryan was trying to talk to them by doing his elephant sounds.

Last but not least, the train ride

Ryan could chose which box car to sit in. If you ask him what is your favorite color, he will say "blue". We had to sat in the blue box car.

Ryan and Dad on the train

Mama and Ryan on the train.

Ryan on the train. Weeee!

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