Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hallowen Party

We went to a birthday/Halloween party on Sunday for our friend Sydney who turned ten. We had a good time. Ryan played really nice with this boy Alex who is three. He also eat a lot! Too Much, on the car ride home, he vomited all over himself in his car seat. But as soon as we got home he felt much better and was running all over the yard. It's it great to be a kid
Ryan wearing his Happy Halloween Old Navy 2009 Tee-shirt with the Jack-O-Lantern on it.
Waiting to go to the party.

We couldn't wear the costume in the car because of the T-Rex tail. So, we put it on at the party. Then we couldn't wear the gloves because we had to eat.


Ryan was shortly finished with the T-Rex hat. So, he walked around the rest of the party, a headless T-Rex.

I love the tail.

Ryan put the head back on for a little bit because the girls at the party wanted to see him in it. This is Ryan and Alex playing nicely.

I bought Ryan a couple of dress up costumes at the dollar store. Girls have tons of Princess dress up things, why can't boys have dress up things too. Ryan likes to play dress up. I got him a pirate costume and a firefighters hat.

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