Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This is Ryan juggling pom pom's.

The Martin's snowman

We made our family snowman, when we had snow in the yard. We had a rain storm yesterday and it is all gone. Ryan called it Frosty. We all helped make it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fort Martin

We bought a new comforter for our bed. So, we took the old one and made it into a fort. Fort Martin. We had to have pillows and blankets in there. We all had to go into the fort. Even Scrappy stuck his head in to see what was going on.

Went Visiting

We went to visit our friends Laura, Griffin and Felix last Monday. They did a lot of playing inside before lunch. Then we got to play outside because it was fairly warm for January. When we went in the boys had hot chocolate with big marshmallows. Ryan did okay with drinking out of a mug. He'll get the hang of it sooner or later. After that they settled down to watch Curious George and read No David book. Both boys like Curious George because he is a monkey (which Ryan can be at times) and the No David books because they can relate to being told NO to things. We had to barrow No David from the library because Ryan enjoyed it that much, we own Oh David but not No David. Then I had to read No David to both of them. I didn't mind, I felt like I was at work. We had a fun day and have invited them to our house in a week. Plopped in the snow. Thanks for letting me use your mittens Griffin.
King of the mountain

Making Frosty the Snowman.

Snow Balls!

Luckily I brought a change of clothes for Ryan. All changed, drinking hot chocolate and eating big marshmallows.

Watching TV and reading a book.

I'm reading No David to the boys.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hot Chocolate

After coming in from playing in the snow. We need to have some hot chocolate. Ryan is doing okay using a regular cup. One time he will drink it without spilling then the next time he will spill. We are working on it. We have to have marshmallows too. Ryan likes to put them in his cup then take them out and "clean them off", meaning wipe off the hot chocolate off of them. Then of course eat the marshmallows.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Happy New Year 2010. Ryan wore a party hat for my birthday and for New Years Eve. He helped me eat Carvel ice cream cake Dad brought home for me.

Christmas at Grandpop's House

On Saturday Dec. 26th we went to Jeff's Dad's house and saw a lot more family members. And got more presents, an airplane, PJ's, and puzzles. After Grandpop's house we went and stayed the night at our friends Dave, Heather and Blake. Blake had lots of toys to play with and watched more TV. The next morning we headed home. Ryan slept again very well on the car ride. It was nice to be home. More presents
"What is it?" "A Box!"

Aunt Shannon, Uncle Brett and Ryan have a snack at the kitchen table.

Ryan and Grandpop. Reminiscing about swimming in Grandpop's pool when we were there in June.

Blake, Ryan and Chase (Blake's cousin) take a break from playing with toys and watch Stark Tales together.

Christmas Day at Gram's House

On Christmas Day we drove down to PA. The ride wasn't bad. Ryan slept most of the time. We went Jeff's mom's house (Grams). We had dinner there then did presents. And Grandpop Mike let Ryan watch a lot of TV. Uncle Erik, Aunt Wendy and Uncle Brett were there too. Ryan was wrestling his Uncle the whole time.

Uncle Erik and Ryan watching TV.

Time for presents

Uncle Erik, Uncle Brett and Ryan

Ryan got a lot of toys. He wasn't the only one playing with the toys.

Ryan favorite toy was..bubble wrap.

Grams and Ryan

Christmas Morning at Home

Christmas morning we were at home. Santa was very good to us. Maybe because we baked chocolate chip cookies and left them for him with a note attached. Ryan asked Santa for Thomas the Train. And Santa brought it to him. Along with a basketball hoop and many of other toys and books.
Christmas morning. Ryan had to bring his sled to see what Santa had brought him.

"Wow, a basketball hoop and a basket ball too"

Ryan was very excited about the basketball hoop. We had to tell him to open other gifts too.

Dad and Ryan shooting hoops

Ryan gave Scrappy his present from Ryan.

A keyboard

Ryan wearing his Mickey Mouse Christmas PJ's.

Ryan Thomas the Train he got from Santa.

Reading a new book

Christmas Eve at Home

Christmas Eve at home was great! We all opened one gift each. Ryan got a Little People Car Garage. Dad had to open it up right away and put it together. Scrappy and Ryan helped too. "What is it?"

Putting it together

Here's a piece Dad

New Sled

Ryan got a Sled from Grampy and Grammy for Christmas. He had to test it out in the living room first. Then we had to take it outside. Testing it out in the living room.
"I love my sled"

Another Snow Day

On Sunday Dec. 20th it snowed again. Ryan got suited up in his snow suite and went out for a little bit.
Snow Balls!