Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas at Grandpop's House

On Saturday Dec. 26th we went to Jeff's Dad's house and saw a lot more family members. And got more presents, an airplane, PJ's, and puzzles. After Grandpop's house we went and stayed the night at our friends Dave, Heather and Blake. Blake had lots of toys to play with and watched more TV. The next morning we headed home. Ryan slept again very well on the car ride. It was nice to be home. More presents
"What is it?" "A Box!"

Aunt Shannon, Uncle Brett and Ryan have a snack at the kitchen table.

Ryan and Grandpop. Reminiscing about swimming in Grandpop's pool when we were there in June.

Blake, Ryan and Chase (Blake's cousin) take a break from playing with toys and watch Stark Tales together.

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