Thursday, January 21, 2010

Went Visiting

We went to visit our friends Laura, Griffin and Felix last Monday. They did a lot of playing inside before lunch. Then we got to play outside because it was fairly warm for January. When we went in the boys had hot chocolate with big marshmallows. Ryan did okay with drinking out of a mug. He'll get the hang of it sooner or later. After that they settled down to watch Curious George and read No David book. Both boys like Curious George because he is a monkey (which Ryan can be at times) and the No David books because they can relate to being told NO to things. We had to barrow No David from the library because Ryan enjoyed it that much, we own Oh David but not No David. Then I had to read No David to both of them. I didn't mind, I felt like I was at work. We had a fun day and have invited them to our house in a week. Plopped in the snow. Thanks for letting me use your mittens Griffin.
King of the mountain

Making Frosty the Snowman.

Snow Balls!

Luckily I brought a change of clothes for Ryan. All changed, drinking hot chocolate and eating big marshmallows.

Watching TV and reading a book.

I'm reading No David to the boys.

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