Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Museum of Science

We went to the Museum of Science a few weeks ago with our neighbors Tod, Dawn and Lilly. Ryan had never been there before. I have been many times for field trips for work. It was huge! We didn't get to most of the things because it was such a big place. They had a Dinosaur room, a lightning show, an area where you can tell how fast you are running and much more. Here is Ryan and I standing outside (it wasn't too cold) in front of T-Rex, while Dad got the tickets (it was a long line). Ryan waiting for the lightning show to start. Playing with glass tube that had lightning in it.
Here is where you can tell how fast you are running. Ryan didn't run the whole way, so we couldn't tell. But he had fun doing it.
In the butterfly room.

There were butterfly's that landing right on you, many different types of butterfly's and they were everywhere.
Ryan holding a butterfly.
Dawn, Lilly and Ryan waiting for a butterfly to land on them.

They had a space shuttle you could go into. Here is Ryan in the space shuttle.
The dinosaur room.

Here is a triceratops.
Ryan and Dad checking out fossils.
There were many buttons to play with and touch in the museum. Here he is touching more buttons, that tell you info on the many different dinosaurs.
T-Rex wearing a scarf. He was cold.
More Buttons.
Triceratops Fossil.

Lastly, a couple more buttons to push.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hooray! Fred and I had gone before we had kids, but it's so much more fun to look at through your own kids' eyes. We plan on going again this summer. Tanya says a special dinosaur exhibit is coming in June.