Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Laser Tag

A few weeks ago we went to Jarret's (not in the pictures, but he came to Ryan's birthday party in Aug.) birthday party. It was a Laser Tag party. Ryan was one of the youngest kids there playing, but he was such a trouper. He got out there is shot/lasered the other kids. He had a great time. On Ryan's sweatshirt was a monkey, so, they named their team after Ryan's sweatshirt, The Sock Monkey's. The boy shown in the picture Chris, called Ryan mini man. He helped Ryan out the whole time. Ryan getting the laser tag gear on. Chris helped. You can see Ryan on a rock, trying to hide (I think) wearing the red sweatshirt.
Ryan either getting help or shooting his own team members.

No matter which he had a great time.

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