Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt On The Farm

The is a Petting Farm not too far from our house. They have an Easter Egg Hunt on the farm. We went a couple of weeks ago. We got to play on the play stature, pet the farm animals and hunt for eggs. Ryan made a new friend and saw an old friend.

Ryan was very well behaved this day. Besides the farm, we had many errors to run. We had to sign him up for swim lessons again, go to the grocery store and then the farm.

When we got out of the farm, we had a flat tire, so we had to wait for AAA to change the tire to the spare. We waited for about 45 minutes. Luckily I have snacks and books in the car. When the man came from AAA, Ryan had to watch from a distance the tire change.

Three and a half isn't so bad. He is my little sidekick. Ryan petting the goat. If you ask Ryan, What is your favorite farm animal is? he will say a goat, because they walk to poop at the same time. He is such a boy! After petting a couple of goats, we went on the Easter Egg Hunt. We were only allow to find 7 eggs to make it fair for the other children. 7 was fine, since Ryan ate most of the the candy in them.
Another egg.
Looking for more.
The playground.
The look out tower.
Going up again. I think Ryan wanted to play on the playground more then see the animals.
We did go back to see the animals. Ryan petting a sheep.
We saw a donkey.
See Saw. This is the little boy Ryan be friend on the playground. This black and white dog was playing ball with us while we were on the see saw.
This is Ryan and Brighton. Brighton was there with his family to Easter Egg Hunt too. Brighton was at Ryan's birthday party. He grandparents live across the street from us.

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