Friday, July 1, 2011

Strawberry Picking

We went Strawberry picking a few weeks ago with our friends Laura, Griffin and Felix. We went to Ward's berry farm (same one as pumpkin picking) again because it has one then just picking. Like rides, a giant slide, 4H animals and a big sand box. Ryan riding a air plane while we wait for our friends to get there.

When our friends get there. Ryan is wearing a Batman shirt while Griffin is wearing a Superman shirt. They are both into super hero's these days. I think that is what they are talking about in this picture. Super Hero's.

Ryan with a mouth full of strawberries.

Picking some strawberries. He ate a lot but we did get some in the basket.

Our friends.

The boys take a water break.

Time for the play ground again.

Ryan and Griffin swinging.

Ryan on the big slide. He was fine going down one or two times. Then one time he was hungry (this is before our friends got there) and another time he was tired. He fell and got upset. But then he was okay.

More playground. Ryan doesn't really like the swings ( the regular swings, not sure why).

Lastly, the animals. He was feeding the goats grass. He was sharing the grass with Felix. It was sweet to see him helping a younger child.

He likes the goats best.

We were thinking of Grams. This bunny's name is Amy.

We bought some feed to give to the goats and sheep. The sheep didn't eat much. I think it was too hot for them.

Ryan likes feeding them.

The goat was tickling his hands.

A lamb did come over to eat a little.

Patting the cows.

Then home we went.

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