Friday, July 8, 2011

Visit to My Work/School

It was almost the last day of school for me. Ryan came with me to my school on a field trip to Dairy Queen. I took the stroller because this will be the last summer I can use it. It only goes up to 35lbs. Ryan is about 35lbs now, give or take a little. We went with my friend Miss. Riley and her second grade class. It is only a few blocks from the school so we walk it. Ryan and I both got vanilla ice cream with cherry dip. Ryan also got to play on the playground before and after DQ. He had fun! Ryan on the playground

Ryan climbing like a monkey.

The kids were arguing who was going to push Ryan. This is Tyrell and Ryan.

Here is Tyrell, Shealynn and Ryan.

Lastly, Richard, Tyell and Ryan.

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